
Position available!

We are looking for highly-motivated candidates (M.S., Ph.D., and M.S.-Ph.D. integrated program).

학부생, 대학원생 (석사, 박사, 또는 석-박 통합과정) 및 연구원을 모집합니다. 대학원생과 연구원은 병역특례에 지원가능 하며, 월급여는 경력과 연구 기여도에 따라 조정 가능합니다 (박사과정: 세전 120~300만원, 박사후 연구원: 세전 350~700만원). 관심있는 지원자는 조범석 교수(zhao at unist.ac.kr)에게 연락 바랍니다. 

Our group research focuses on controlling molecular rotations and translations. For molecular motion control, we study their interaction with various fields or surfaces and photo-dissociation. Particularly, we exploit the state-dependent force imparted by the molecule-field interaction to spatially separate stereoisomers and their quantum states. Besides, in collaboration with the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, grazing incidence atom optics is investigated.

Molecular Motion Control Lab (MMCL)

New publication!

Our paper, Comprehensive peak-width analysis in matter-wave diffraction under grazing incidence conditions, has been published in Physical Review A. Grazing incidence thermal energy atom scattering (GITEAS) is used for investigating Casimir-Polder interactions between atoms/molecules and surfaces. Our research addresses challenges due to unconventional peak-width variations under...

Dr. LeeYeong Kim obtained the UNIST Best Research Award (UBRA)

  The 2023 UNIST Commencement Ceremony took place on Thursday, February 16, 2023. Dr. LeeYeong Kim obtained the UNIST Best Research Award (UBRA). The award comprises a certificate and a cash prize of KRW 1,000,000. Congratulations!  

Our group has been awarded a grant from NRF under the 2022 STEAM research program!

Prof. Dr. Bum Suk Zhao has been awarded a prestigious grant under the 2022 STEAM research program (The future promising fusion technology pioneer: a scientific challenge) from the ministry of science and ICT. The program provides 2.26 (0.46 + 1.8) billion won over a period...

The artwork of our recent work is on the cover of PCCP!

Our paper, Enhanced elastic scattering of He2 and He3 from solids by multiple-edge diffraction, has been published as a 2022 HOT PCCP article and its artwork is on the outside cover! As part of the 2022 HOT articles collection, our article will shortly be made free to...

Congratulations on earning PhD, Lee Yeong Kim!

[The picture was taken on 9th, August 2022.]   Congratulations on earning PhD in physics, Lee Yeong Kim!

Our paper has been accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.

Our paper entitled "Enhanced elastic scattering of He and He from solids by multiple-edge diffraction" has been accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys..